Current position: Index > R & D > R & D Capability
R & D

R&D Capability

  • R & D Center

    The company owns three national standard technology centers, such as DEC small and medium-sized power generation equipment research institute ,Sichuan high efficiency motor engineering technology research center and electric vehicle drive system R&D center.

    • Small And Medium Sized Power Generating Equipment Institute
    • Sichuan High Efficiency Motor Engineering Technology RC
    • Electric Vehicle Drive System R&D Center
    • High-tech Enterprises
  • Research and Development
  • R & D team

    The company has a strong design and development team including experts who enjoy special national allowances and professor-level senior engineers.

  • Research and development means


  • Opening Ceremony of Digital Design
    • National advanced Enterprise of Metrology
    • Metrology Certificate by CSBTS
  • Core Competence

    While consolidating the traditional hydro power, thermal power and wind power generating equipment development ,the company continuously strengthens the R&D capability in new energy automobile electric drive system ,permanent magnet high efficiency motor and special motor ,a core competitiveness with Dongfeng characteristic and Dongfeng advantage is being created accordingly.